AUHSD Independent Studies



What is financial aid?
Financial aid is money to help pay for college or career school. Grants, work-study, loans, and scholarships help make college or career school affordable. First-time college students can receive 2 FREE years of community college by filling out this application.

Why is this application so important?
Whether you want to go to college, study a quick career path, or are unsure, it is important to fill out this application in order to be considered for aid. This application helps students and their families by covering higher education expenses such as tuition and fees, books and other coursework supplies, and transportation. If you miss the deadline, you will need to pay out of pocket or apply for scholarships.

Did you know?
Did you know that community colleges offer certificate career programs? If you are not interested in the traditional college route, you can enroll in a community college and earn a certificate in a specific career technical field. By completing the financial aid application, you can do this for FREE.




Eligibility Requirement

​​You are eligible to complete a FAFSA Application if you are:

  • US citizen
  • Permanent resident
  • Eligible non-citizen
  • T visa holder


Eligibility Requirement

​​You are eligible to complete a CA Dream Act Application if you are:

  • Are undocumented
  • Have a valid or expired DACA status
  • Are a U visa holder
  • Have Temporary Protected Status (TPS)
  • Meet the non-resident exemption requirements under AB 540


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